Saturday, 3 November 2012

Chosen Narrative idea

Final Narrative

Our main character Mikel, is in desperate need of money and decides to sell on some fake drugs thinking the customer would be to scared to say anything. However the customer is stronger than he looks, Mikel escapes but the customer James ends up severly injuring Mikels driver Tonks. 

Mikels actions caused Tonks to be severly injured so Mikel decidedes to come clean off drugs and not to deal anymore. He continues to persue a career in music as an MC. Mikels talent is clear and through the video you see him evolving into a better person.

Mikels life is better than it has ever been and gets signed by a successful record label. Mikel goes to into town to buy his album from a music shop.

As he is listening to his album in the street he gets spotted by James group of friends and gets beaten up and killed for what he has done in his past.

As well as the narrative we also have a performance part in the music video. It will switch between both throughout the whole of the video. The performance will be the rappers rapping on a white background, however at the end the background will turn to black to represent death and darkness in the video.

In our music video we want to portray the artist as a bad character however he turns into a good character.

These are the kind of scenes we will and have been filming in order to put together our music video:
-Dealing Drugs
-Being involved with violence or general crime
-Pragmatically implying the use of drugs

We have decided to do the drug scene mainly because it will be easy to shoot as we don't need to involve more than two characters or any other props except the people and the 'drug'. Also drug is a major factor when talking about crime so it could also imply a whole other set of crimes that he might do without showing it.

In the second verse the lyrics are a lot more positive, so for the second verse we need to show him as a changed man not as the criminal he is before. There are a number of ways we can do this too but with a lot of successful criminals being rappers, we will show him on the path to becoming a rapper.

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